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Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need help with anything or have questions about our self defence products. If we’re not around, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

☎️ Telephone

0309 2192118

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Common queries answered

Frequently asked Questions

No, there’s is no permit required in Pakistan to bear these defence accessories.

The items we provide are classed as non-lethal so they do not cause death or any permanent damages.

When the taser makes contact with the attacker, the shock that is given impairs their movement for a small amount of time giving the victim time to flee the scene .

The self defence item we supply works when making contact with the body of the attacker and cannot be used from a far but Some item work .

All our items come with a safety mechanism which negates the chance of accidental shocks. Also the actual item swell is fully shock proof .

Charging your taser once a week for two hours is enough.

The burning repellant of the spray can last between 30 to 40 minutes.

The pepper spray has a lifespan of 5 years.

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